ICAPS 2009 invites proposals for its Workshop Program. The workshops are intended to provide a forum for researchers to discuss issues with a selected focus in an informal setting. The ICAPS 2009 Workshop Program will consist of several concurrent workshops held on September 19th and 20th, 2009. Workshop registration is free for ICAPS 2009 participants. Participation details of the accepted workshops will be determined by the workshop organizers with the intent to electronically provide working notes prior to the event.
We solicit proposals in all areas related to AI Planning and Scheduling including (but not exclusive to):
Integration of Planning and Scheduling
Planning and Plan Execution
Scheduling Algorithms
Planning and Scheduling under Uncertainty
Embodied Planning and Scheduling in Robotics
Real World Applications of Planning and Scheduling
Technologies for planning and scheduling (CP, OR, graph theory, SAT, model checking, decision theory, distributed problem solving, meta-heuristics, etc.)
Planning and Machine Learning
Verification and Validation of Planning and Scheduling Systems
Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling
Extensions of Planning and Scheduling (Optimization, preferences, soft constraints, over-subscription)
Planning and Scheduling for the Semantic Web
Evaluation and
Benchmarking of Planning and Scheduling Systems
We are particularly interested in soliciting proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries both in the theoretical and applied realms and those that target problems of societal importance.
Deadline for proposal submission: February 15th, 2009
Acceptance notification: March 8th, 2009
Workshop Calls: April 19th, 2009
Camera-ready proceedings: August 8th, 2009
September 19th and 20th, 2009
To submit a workshop proposal at most 3 pages in length (12 pt font), organizers should provide the following information:
A description of the workshop topic. The workshop should focus on specific issues or themes rather than broad, general topics.
A brief discussion of the aims of the workshop, why the topic is of interest at this time, and why other events do not adequately address this topic.
A brief description of the proposed workshop length and format. Formats should maximize opportunities for discussion and interaction, and should seek to involve all workshop participants. Innovative approaches to fostering interaction such as providing in-person commentaries are strongly encouraged.
Names and full contact information for the organizing committee, plus short descriptions of their relevant expertise. Strong proposals include organizers who bring differing perspectives to the workshop topic and who are actively connected to the communities of potential participants.
Estimation of the
audience size.
Workshop organizers will be responsible for:
Producing a Call for Participation (CFP) due April 19th, 2009. The CFP will be placed on the ICAPS Web site. Workshop organizers will be responsible for additional publicity such as distributing the CFP to relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing lists, and especially to potential audiences outside of the ICAPS community
Maintaining the workshop’s web site
Reviewing submissions and issuing invitations to participate in the workshop
Formulating the detailed technical program for the workshop and making it available on the web by August 1st, 2009
Assembling camera-ready copy for the workshop proceedings by August 8th, 2009 in close interaction with the Workshop Program Chair
Workshop proposal submissions (in PDF) should be sent to icaps09ws@lists.auth.gr not later than February 15th, 2009. Organizers will be notified, by email, of the acceptance or rejection of their proposals by March 8th, 2009.
Kanna Rajan, Principal Researcher for Autonomy, Monterey Bay Aquarium
Research Institute, California
Ioannis Vlahavas, Professor Dept. of Informatics Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece
Dimitris Vrakas, Lecturer, Dept. of Informatics Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece